A perfekt place to show our new applications and technologies to a wide audience – Fakuma 2018th. Many thanks to our partners ACH Solution GmbH, KrausMaffei Technologies GmbH, The Dow Chemical Company for their support. Awesome feedback from many visitors that could solve todays problems with this technology and applications.
KrausMaffei invited us to present our R-Step and MouldDoc application during their Competency Forum in Munich. Many thanks for this platform that allowed us to show this brand new technology. https://ahead.kraussmaffei.com/de/themen/prozesse-produkte/d/so-klein-wie-noch-nie-die-neue-px-25
xtended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term that covers Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), and everything in between. XR will revolutionise everyday consumer experiences, industrial manufacturing, healthcare, education and retail. Stay tuned!
AR is a wide area and just as much different AR devices can be found. As this is an approaching market we have to make lots of experience with them in order to understand under which circumstances they can be used and are most beneficial. Till now Microsoft Hololens, DAQRI Smart Glasses, Epson Moverio BT-300, […]
NPE 2018 – Together with our Partner ACH-Solution and Engel we will present our latest Mixed Reality (MR) / Augmented Reality (AR) Application R-STEP directly in its work environment.
Evolution in Reality. From Reality to Virtual Reality, over Augmented Reality to Mixed Reality and Extended or Cross Reality but what is what and which “Reality” is the one you may look for? The categorisation from wired.com gives a nice impression of the differences.
Microsoft Hololens